This is the best English Dictionary free with full content will enhance your learning of English

Natural English

165,000 corpus-based examples of natural English show words in context and how English is really used.

Expand your vocabulary

230,000 words, phrases, and meanings – more than any other learner's dictionary.

Frequency information on the most common words – the Communication 9000 – helps you learn them first.

Write and speak fluently

An integrated Collocations Dictionary with more than 65,000 collocations: learn word combinations to use the correct words together.

The integrated Thesaurus with more than 18,000 synonyms, antonyms, and related words helps you improve your writing by using more precise and high level words.

Improve your grammar

Avoid making common mistakes and get extra help with grammar patterns and using the correct tenses.

Improve your pronunciation

All headwords pronounced in both British and American English


Will help learners develop good comprehension and communication skills in English.


Learn only 10 minutes per day and achieve impressive results

Smart and adaptable

“LDOCE6” Communication 9000™ Key Words is a very powerful tool.

Download LDOCE6

English Grammar

Avoid making common mistakes
and get extra help.

Write and speak fluently

Use the correct words together and
using more precise and high level words.

Key Words

The Communication 9000
helps you learn them first.


You can listen British voice
or American voice on the word.

Download and light up your English!

It has never been easier